Te amo song for mobile
1,000+ song search results for Te Amo. Song. "Te Amo". by Tito Nieves. Composed by Marco Antonio Solis. Rihanna - Te Amo (Lyrics) It's over Then she said te amo Then she put her hand around me waist. Download. Subscribe and press () to join notification squad and stay updated with new uploadsHere is my latest choreography, I've always love this song but never done anything to it, so here it is! Echale Mojo Remix - Eminem, J.Fla & Rihanna - Te Amo (2021). [Verse 1] Te amo, te amo She says to me I hear the pain in her voice Then we danced underneath the candelabra She takes the lead That's when I saw it [Chorus] Then she said te amo Then she put her hand around me waist I told her no She cried te amo I told her I'm not gonna run away But let me go
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